
This directory contains the C# source code for hasmer, using the .NET 8.0 platform.


If you don't use the Docker image then you will need to install the .NET 8 SDK to compile this project. See the .NET SDK download page for information on how to download the .NET SDK for your operating system.


Using Docker

docker build -t hasmer .

From the directory where your bundle is you can then run commands, for example:

docker run --volume $(pwd):/assets hasmer disassemble -i index.android.bundle


You can open the solution file (see hasmer.sln) in Visual Studio and build and run from Visual Studio.

You can also build from the command line using the .NET SDK CLI:

dotnet build

Ensure you run the above command with the current working directory being the one containing the hasmer.sln file.

Building with the .NET SDK CLI will generate the executable in the .hasmer-cli/bin/Debug/net8.0 directory. You can make a release build using:

dotnet build -c Release

Running / Testing

You can find documentation on the hasmer CLI and a sample Hermes bytecode file on the hasmer website.

Code Documentation

The latest auto-generated docs can be found online here.

You can generate your own docs locally using Doxygen. Run in this directory:

doxygen Doxyfile

The output docs can be found at ./docs/html.